Stair Basket on my $0 budget - Organizing my life one step at a time

If you are anything like my family, you always have a pile of stuff sitting on your stairs to either go up or go down. I have always wanted to have a basket that sits on my stairs but I am far to cheap to spend $40 on a small wicker step/stair basket. So I came up with this idea yesterday when I was at the grocery store picking up fresh fruits and vegetables. Isn't it great! Look what you can do with a free pasta box, duct tape, left over fabric and Mod Podge. 


1 Box with the width and height you want
Fabric to cover
Mod Podge
Duct Tape

We removed the clear packing tape from the bottom of the box so it could be laid flat.

We measured my stair height (approx. 8 inches) and depth (approx. 12 inches). Using a long metal ruler we drew straight lines on the box to identify where the 'step' piece would be. Do this on both sides of the sure to work on the same end :)

Here is a bit of a tricky part, I only made 3 cuts on each side of the box (see picture below - I made cuts along the bold black lines and I folded along the dotted line) so that I could fold the box  and keep most of the box intact to create the bottom and side of the 'step' part.
Here is where you just have to trust me and work with this as you go. This is hard for me to explain which means it will be even more difficult to understand. But believe me it is easy when you are doing it. The 2 folded pieces come together to create the back of the step, the 2 bottom flaps come up to also cover the back of the step and then there is a long piece on the end of the box that folds up to create the bottom of the 'step' piece. Now that I have lost everyone here is what it looks like after the first 2 steps.
And this is after all the folds and I duct taped the seams to secure it.

 I removed the top flaps of the box because I did not need any extra height. If you box is not high enough, you can use the top flaps for this.

Making the shape of the stair basket, took me about 10 minutes to do. But the next step of covering it with fabric took me almost 2 hours! I didn't have much of this fabric left over from recovering my kitchen chairs so I had to plan wisely. It really wasn't difficult as I used Mod Podge to secure the fabric to the box but the planning took me forever.  I used some left over black vinyl for the bottom of the box so that it wouldn't show any dirt (plus I didn't want to use more of the fabric since I might want to use it on something else later).
So here is the end result from all angles. My carpets look really dirty but they aren't..honestly it is the lighting.
 By the way, someone recommended that I host a $0 craft party at the end of the month so everyone can post their $0 ideas. I have never done a party before...Is anyone interested in participating in this? Please let me know what you think.



  1. OK, that is so freaking cute! Im seriously looking for a box as some as Im done typing this! THANK YOU!

  2. Okay, I don't know what I like more: Your genius creation or your curved staircase! I'm going to facebook and tweet about this bc seriously, you rock!! I'm WAY too cheep to pay for one of those staircase baskets either!

  3. A party is a great idea and I need a stair basket too! I have never used Mod Podge before. I guess I need to start!

  4. Super cool!! Would love a $0 craft linkup party!

  5. Followed The Girl Creative link! This is awesome. I am your newest follower!

    Jill of

  6. You've done it again!!! :) Seriously wonderful idea. I was doing a similar thing yesterday by creating two CD storage items out of one box and covering them in fabric. Unfortunately my skills are not quite up to your standard, but I was happy to at least have given it a shot.
    I think a $0 craft linkup party is a great idea. It will encourage many of us to be more creative with what we have. I'm so inspired by what you are doing here, I would like to put a link to your blog in my sidebar. Do you have a button I could use?
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
    Anne xx

  7. This is a great idea, I am trying this one too. I love that you are doing all this for $0. Our family is adjusting to me staying home as a full time mom and adding another little guy to our family (I am due in 6 weeks). So anyway I am always looking for inexpensive ways to decorate and organize. I would love to join in a party if I can come up with some ideas!

  8. Hi, Wow you have so many great ideas! I found you via Design It Chic and am your newest follower. I'd love for you to consider following me back!

  9. Wow! This is fantastic! I've needed a stairs basket for years but never wanted to spend the money on the baskets ... this is much CUTER and heck of a lot cheaper!

    I'm a new follower!


  10. Clever!

    A great project Stephanie, thanks for sharing.

    I have a stair storage basket and it is a great help in keeping me organized. I paid a couple of dollars for mine at the GW, so not as thrifty as yours is.

  11. I am your newest follow and a fan. This box idea for the stairs is great. Terry

  12. Aren't you so clever! I love this! My mom always had a basket, but this is so much cuter!
    I think its a great idea to host a $0 party. I know a few ppl that would love to participate!

    I'm having a giveaway, I would love it if you took a moment to popover and enter. :) the winner will get a free stretched canvas withba picture/image of their choice printed on it!

  13. I'm your newest follower from Boost My Blog Friday Blog Hop. Also following on If you get a minute please drop by and follow back. Have a wonderful day!

  14. I love this idea and your project of not spending a dime. I really should do that too, it's just that first I have to buy some more supply :)
    Thank you for sharing at Girl Creative where I found you.

  15. Like your blog says "full of great ideas" it doesn't lie!

    I love seeing your ideas.

  16. this is absolute GENIUS!!!

    pleaseohplease do a $0 link up!!!! I'd be so excited to have a big pool of inspiration and how-to for free!!! start a REVOLUTION!!!!

  17. I seriously need to do this project! I just was pricing step baskets the other day and couldn't believe the prices. This is a great alternative.

  18. So great! Almost makes me wish I had stairs in our house :)

  19. Ohmygosh GENIUS! You weren't kidding when you named your blog "full of great ideas!" haha! looove it!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  20. Great box! Love the clever step so it sits on the stairs.

  21. OMG,that is genius! I've wanted one of those as well, and $0 is awesome! Thanks. :)

  22. holy goodness I love this but I'm going to have to stare at those directions a little more! My mind does not work like that! And, yes, a $0 party would be SO fun!!

  23. so smart! we are definitely "that" family too.. always little piles on the steps. super cute, cheap and easy - the perfect craft!

    stopping by from the Polly Want a Crafter Monday party.


  24. You are crazy clever, I love it!

  25. Thank you thank you thank you! I've been looking for a stair basket for ages that didn't cost a ton of money!! I WILL be maknig this!

  26. You are soooooo clever!!! What an excellent idea (really outside of the box! Sorry---cheesy comment, but true!!!)

    I'm totally loving your 0 budget crafting!! Please have a link party!!!

    Great job!

  27. Love the idea of the $0 party--this month I am giving up "shopping" for lent and I would love to rise to that challenge!

  28. Love the stair box, the fabric design! Love the idea of a $0 party - let's do it!

  29. I LOVE your $0 budget decor!!! I have many of my own around the house :) Thanks so much for sharing your your blog!

  30. just wanted to let you know I linked to you today!

  31. Hi!

    I'm your newest follower from the Boost your Blog hop. What a neat idea! Look forward to future posts!

    Feel free to check out my blog here:

  32. I love mod podge! I've covered a dresser to match my living room. I think I will do this for my tv stand to cover some cables!

  33. The basket is just what your beautiful staircase needed and the fabric you used is lovely. I have wanted to to purchase one of the staircase baskets, but like you, I am not going to fork out $40.00 for a small basket that will not hold all I need it to. So Like you, I will be making my own. Thanks so much for showing us how. I am a follower.

  34. OMG I LOVE IT! I am envisioning this project on my stairway to the boys rooms and no more piling it up on the stairs! Glad to know I am not hte only one that drops their goodies off on the stairs!!!! Can't wait to see if I can do this project!

    Visiting from Craft-O-Maniac's blog party! Stop by and visit me @ !!!

  35. That is so fabulous!! Nice work! You just have to love a project that costs NOTHING!

  36. Genius!!! What a great project & it really looks cute on your steps! I'm definately going after this idea & will give you credit if/when I post it on my blog! Seriously THANKS for sharing this!!!! (I found your blog through Skip to My Lou) - Julie

  37. I am SO guilty of putting crap on the stairs. I got it from my mom and she hated that it started to become a habit. But we have 5 levels in our house and it's a pain to walk up and down all the time! Great solution!

  38. That is awesome. I've always wanted one of those too. Now I see I can make my own. Thanks for sharing.

  39. Great DIY box, LOVE it. and YES sign me up for the $0 craft. These are my fav! $0 usually means repurpose/ reuse very Green:)

  40. I wish I had wider stairs because I need stair baskets and I love your $0 philosophy. I featured this yesterday at Grab my "featured" button.

  41. I have been drooling over those stair baskets at Ballard, completely unwilling to pay what they ask. Your instructions seem clear enough. I may try it! Thanks for the inspiration! (Found you from Somewhat Simple.)

  42. so simple and complicated looking, blows my mind really .)

    Thanks for the tute, and if I didn't have a spiral staircase I'd be making this asap!

  43. I am a new follower now! Just saw your link on Tip Junkie and had to check it out! Love, love, love this idea! What a great way to make your own. I have always seen baskets, but this allows you to use any fabric you want! Thanks for sharing.

  44. That's adorable!! I actually came across one of those stair stepper boxes at goodwill the other day for a dollar!!! I'm SO happy to have a spot to corral the junk! Great job!

  45. Stephanie, such a simple and great idea! I love the fabric you chose. So glad I came across your blog. I'm a new follower.

  46. I just posted a $0 DIY so YES I would be interested in your $0 craft party!

  47. I absolutely love this!! I am so going to make one! Thanks for the idea! I just found your blog through Kara's linky party. I am now your newest follower. Come check me out if you get a chance.

  48. This is so great! I made one and linked to it on my blog, Thanks for the fab idea!

  49. This is sheer genius... And looks beautiful, too!

  50. Stephanie - what a great recycled project - love the look of the fabric! Thanks so much for linking up to the Sunday Showcase Party - I greatly appreciate it. I have featured this today.
    Hope you are enjoying your week
    ~ Stephanie Lynn

  51. Sorry, but I've been trying to origami my box into the shape that you're showing and it's just not happening. I always did really well on those flattened box questions on the CTBS tests we took as kids in NY too!

  52. I am going to look for a box this afternoon!

  53. Hiya

    I googled for "step basket" and would you believe your post came up right under a link to buy one at Amazon? :D I'm totally going to do this as soon as I get some more duct tape! Thanks for the great idea!

  54. You are brilliant! I googled a stair basket so I haven't looked @ any of your other posts yet but consider me your newest stalker! I love it!!! If you're ever in need of a new recipe check out my blog...

  55. An excellent idea. Saves many trips up and down the steps and the box looks fantastic!

  56. I LOVE YOU FOR THIS, I have been watching thrift stores for years to find a basket for just that thing.

  57. I would like to post this link to our facebook page in relation to staircase falls from items left on steps. OK?
    It's a great and cheap way to organize.

  58. are you sure your stair height is 18"?

  59. You are right...typo. It is 8 inches high :) How has no one else comment on this in the past year.

  60. Thank you so much!! I have wanted a stairbasket and like you I refuse to pay $40 for one. I think I'm going to try covering the box with masking tape and shoe polish to get that "leather" look! Thanks!

  61. Awesome! I was just doing a search for stair baskets because my mom needs one. I was going to get her one for Christmas, but I think I'll make her one instead. She does a sort of primitive style in her house, so I will stamp on some burlap and modpodge it to the box. Great idea. I wonder if all stairs are the same size? I guess I can look at the dimentions of the ones online to see if they are all the same. Thanks for the idea!

  62. Thank you for this wonderful idea. I too like some of the others found you through a search for stair baskets. Thank goodness you were on that search because I much prefer to make my own for $0 than to spend the money they ask even at the best deal for one. At last I will be able to tidy up my stairs with one or two homemade stair baskets instead of 3 and 4 $store plastic bins. Thank you again because my stairs are always a disaster since I take care of young kids and all the extras I keep for the kids (hats, mitts, scarves, socks and spare splash pants, etc) plus the same for my husband and I are kept on the steps close to the door. Easy and quick access when on the run and trying to get out in a hurry. This idea is going to save me easy $80.00 + dollars because I would have needed more than 1 stair basket to meet my needs. So grateful for your genius.

    Cheri of Halifax, NS

  63. Yay! Just did a search for over the stair basket tutorial, and here's where I landed! Not only did I get the directions and inspiration I need, but also found a great new blog. Thanks for sharing this, can't wait to explore your other great ideas!!

  64. So, I was just reading your post and it dawned on me that I hung onto scraps of wallpaper from when we walpapered the hallway...cavering a stair "basket" with that would be awsome! Thanks for the wonderful idea!

  65. I really love this. My new apt. stairs are pretty narrow and I think that a traditional stair basket would be too wide. I'm going to make one today and I'm going to add some handles to it so that I can carry it upstairs if I want. I'll post a pic after I'm done. Thanks for the fantastic idea!

  66. Such a great idea. I just wanna say "DUH" and "Why didn't I think of that?"

  67. Love it! I really need a basket for the steps and I too don't want to have to shell out any amount of $$ for one. Thanks so much!!!

  68. Used a box that was leftover from gifts that were shipped for Christmas, some leftover fabric from making curtains for the kitchen/dining room, only thing I had to spend $$ on was the Mod Podge, but I'm sure I will end up using it again. It looked great....until my 4 year old decided she needed to "decorate" it, now its covered in crayon and stickers...oh well :)

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  71. Ok...the box part is you turn under the edges of the fabric?

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  73. this is fab all the ones ive seen are too wide...thankyou for sharing

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