'New' Oil Rubbed Bronze Door Handles- I Love Spray Paint

 How many of you have lovely shiny brass door handles all over your house? Can you read the sarcasm in typing? Well, I was right there with you until I decided I couldn’t stand it anymore. 

I priced out the cost to replace all the handles and let me tell you, this was not something I could easily justify.  We have almost 30 doors in my house (lots of double doors into rooms) and since this was not considered to be a necessity, I had to find a way to do it economically or live with them. 
So after much research and staring at these shiny, slap me in the face bright handles for almost a year, I decided I was going to try to spray paint them with this wonderful spray paint.  

NOTE: This is not a project you can rush! Be sure to take your time because it will be worth it in the end when you don’t have paint drips or chips. This was the hardest part of the project for me...taking my time :)

Materials needed:
Sand paper
Primer spray paint in gray (Krylon)
Oil Rubbed Bronze spray paint (Krylon in Satin)

I decided to break the project down into two phases…main floor and then upper floor (we don’t have a finished basement).  

I took the handles apart into two pieces and made separated piles for:
  • each side of the door knob
  • the screws
  • the door plates (not sure what they are called)
  • door stops.  

I started by lightly sanding each and every piece with scrap sandpaper I had laying around.  Don’t use too rough a grit or you will see the scratches through the spray paint. Be sure to sand the entire knob! This is essential in order for the paint to adhere.

I then wiped down every piece with a damp cloth to remove the dust and then let them dry completely.

I was not able to remove the white plastic stopper on the end of the door stop so I taped it with painters green tape to prevent it from being painted.

I then primed everything (door handles, stops, plates and screws) with a gray color primer (use the same brand of primer as spray paint). I started with the handles upside down on the cardboard to get the underside first.  I found this the easiest way with the best results. 

I found the easiest way to get a good coverage over the entire piece without them rolling around was to stick them into a piece of cardboard. I raised a large piece of cardboard off the ground by placing them on recycling bins and using a screw driver, I punched lots of holes in it. The one half of the handle with the post attached to it, I stuck them through holes in the cardboard so stood up.  I stuck every screw through a small hole and had them stick up half an inch.  The other half of the knob and the plates were placed directly on the cardboard. 

Let this dry for the recommended time.

Next and most exciting step is spray painting. Again, I started with the knobs upside down to get the underside, then they were flipped over and stuck into the cardboard. Remember to do many light coats of paint.  I cannot stress this enough.  It is very easy to get drips of paint on these so do not use much paint.  The coats dry in about 10 minutes so there is no point in putting a lot on at one time.  I think I ended up putting 4 or 5 light coats on these before I was happy with them.   

 Note: If you do get a drip, wipe it off immediately. Chances are, all the paint will wipe off but you can just start over. If you find a drip that has dried, sand it off and start over painting.

I did not do a top coat but this is something you can definitely do for added durability.

I let the knobs dry overnight and then I installed them back onto the doors.  When I installed them, I only tightened the screws with my fingers and waited a week until the paint was really cured before I used a screwdriver to tighten them.  If you are anxious to get them back on, you can wrap a towel around the knob to prevent it being rubbed by the screwdriver (which will chip it at this stage).


It has been over 6 months since I did this and we have not had a single chip or scratch. I was worried about doors that are the most commonly used i.e. main floor powder room, but we have had no problems.

In total it took me only two days to do every door handle in the entire house (maybe 4 hours of dedicated work from start to finish), 2 cans of primer ($10) and 3 cans of spray paint ($15).  So for approximately $25 I have had the most dramatic change to my house to date.  Almost everyone who comes over notices the change. 

This was extremely easy and has dramatic result but as I said, you must be patient!

Be sure to see the next project I spray painted...My rusty white vent covers! These are just as amazing!!!

Be sure to see my 'Parties I've Linked To' page to the see some of the amazing linked parties I have participated in. 

UPDATE: It has been a year since I did this project and we have not had a single chip, scratch or any signs of wear! For those of you worried about the durability, I have not had any issues even on our most used handles.


  1. Very nice! I've been wanting to update the hardware on our doors and this could be a way to do it, thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Ok...it's so funny that I saw this. I have just bought the ORB paint to do this to all my door knobs!! My knobs are all brass and some are silver so nothing matches and I thought that to match all of them for $30 each would cost a fortune with all our doors! Great post. When I do mine, I'm definitely going to link back to you for a reference on my blog! I'm even more inspired!

    Becky B.

  3. Very nice results and an excellent explanation! Our house is full of shiny brass. Not sure I have the patience for such a project. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I plan on doing this soon - thanks for the instructions. We just did all the cabinet knobs in the house are pleased with the results. Ready to move on to bigger things now.

  5. Looks great! I'm doing this soon too! Our upstairs has all brassy knobs.. but only 8 with the closet doors included. Thankfully the main floor is all glass knobs, original to the house. Thanks for the tutorial on it!!

  6. Looks wonderful! I can't wait to do ours-- Think I will have to wait for spring though- have too many projects on the roster right now! Glad to hear nothing has chipped after 6 months use- I had always wondered about that. I cant wait to say good-bye to shiny brass!

  7. I love ORB. These turned out great!

  8. Wow! We just priced replacing all of our door knobs and hinges and it was upwards of $1000! We talked about painting them but we were afraid that they would chip and scratch. It's great that I found this post and now I will attempt to paint mine to save some serious money! Yours look awesome! Thanks for sharing. :)

  9. I have been thinking and thinking about doing this to my house too. Thank you so much for all the detail!! Amazing difference and the cost breakdown makes me even more certain that it's worth the time and effort :)

  10. We did this in our house over 2 years ago. We only have 1 knob that has scratched and it is the laundry room door... It offten gets hit by the garage door because of the way it opens.. But it will be a quick fix when we are ready to do it! We still have not painted all of our henges... that is what we still want to do!

  11. Excellent idea, and way to go taking the time to do it right! I love the metallic spray paints. It's a huge change and well worth the work!

  12. That's AWESOME!
    I made a little mistake when we built our home. I order Oil Rubbed knobs and hinges and overlooked the towel bars. Ooops! We have stainless towel bars. Maybe I'll just sand and paint those puppies!

    Great post!


  13. I did this at my house too! It has been about 2 months with no problem. What a great money saving idea.

  14. WOW! That is a dramatic change! And all for only $25 is amazing! Thanks for linking up and sharing on Thrilling Thursday @ Paisley Passions. Hope to see you again soon :)

    ~Lori S.

  15. Awesome. I think my brass handles are about to go bu-buy. Oh yeah.

  16. I am doing this at my new house. Nice to know that it hasn't chipped off! $25.00 is cheap for "new" door knobs! Good job!

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    Thank you for so much fun and inspiration.

  18. I found you from Keeping it Simple. I had no idea there was oil-rubbed bronze spray paint! Thanks for sharing. I'm always looking for new ideas so I'm a follower now :)

  19. I have started doing this too and love the new look!


  20. I have always wanted to do this! Thank you for the information. I'm glad I found your blog on House of Grace.

  21. GORGEOUS! I have a few old knobs that don't match my new ones. I totally plan on "fixing" them by painting them! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

  22. Um yeah NO way, this is too much. I have been wanting (needing) to do this forever, as I suffer from the nasty brass too, lol. I can't believe you have a tutorial for this too, gotta love it, and since you are just FULL OF GREAT IDEAS, I am your newest follower so I don't miss any more. Thanks so much, love your blog. Bella :) p.s. you know I want this too right??? Lol...

  23. I have been wondering if this could be done! We are so doing this in our house! Thanks so much for testing the waters!

  24. Going to start this project today! Can't wait!!!

  25. Don't have any brass door knobs but I have a huge brass floor lamp that needs a makeover. Thanks for the tutorial!

  26. You didn't bother to take the doors off and paint the hinges, too, did you? I've been wanting to spray paint my door handles for a while now, but have been dreading it because I don't want to do the hinges. Please tell me I don't have to! :)

  27. I did this last year, I did all the handle and hinges though out my home, and I couldn't be happier ..it took for ever but glad I did it. saved me about $500.00 .. yours looks great


  28. I want to do this with my door knobs. I'm worried about the wear. How are your most used knobs now after almost a year in use?

  29. My hinges were painted white by the builder so I did not have to take off the doors. I am sure if you wanted to paint the hinges they would paint fine too.

    It has been a year since I did this and we have not had a single chip. scratch or any signs of wear.

    I hope this helps.

  30. We have those ugly brass knobs all over, this might be a great solution for us, thanks!

  31. Anyone having a problem with your door knobs feeling gritty? We can't seem to figure out what we are doing wrong... Audrey


  32. I LOVE this idea and can't wait to try it this weekend. I'm going to go for Brushed Nickel. Fingers crossed!

  33. Just like Audrey asked above...this is my question too! I tried a few knobs and handles, and I notice it feels better over time, but my husband still can't stand the feel of them! I tried sanding with a very high grit in between coats, but I still get the same results. HELP!!

  34. I'm so glad you posted the update - I'd like to try this out but wondered how they would look down the road. A year ago I did this with my ugly shiny brass towel racks, tp holder, & heat/ac vent when I realized how much it would cost to replace them. They've held up beautifully and look so much better! Next up, door handles . . . there are just so darn many of them!

  35. I'm just wondering if you did the same thing to the deadbolts, and how they turned out..... Thanks for sharing!

  36. Hi Lindsey,

    Thank you for the comments. I did not do the deadbolt with spray paint. When we moved in we replaced all the deadbolts so we had new locks.

    Young House Love (a blog) has spray painted their deadbolts recently and I believe they did it with the key in the lock so no spray paint got into the mechanism.

    It has been 2 years since I painted our door handles and we have still not had a single chip, so I think the deadbolts would lasts well too.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.



  37. I just found this via Pinterest! I'm finding all kinds of great ideas on your blog! I told my hubby that we must have identical houses because of all of the builder grade CRAP we have! lol

    I am definately going to buy some spray paint and ATTACK that nasty brass! I may start with the cabinet pulls. I have over 60 in my kitchen alone! Ug!

    Have you attempted to paint your brass fixtures (assuming you have them)? We just can't afford to replace all the ones in the house. Just curious how difficult it will be.

    Thanks for all your tips! I'll definately be following your blog now! :o)

  38. Great post! I love spray paint and have done several brass lamps to date and thought of door knobs but haven't ventured that far yet. One suggestion. I've used the Modern Metals spray paint (bought at Michaels) and the Krylon and strongly prefer the Modern Metals. It is in a smaller can and costs a bit more, but still goes further because you do not have to make as many coats. It sprays on with absolutely no dripping, covers in one coat and dries IMMEDIATELY! I absolutely love it. When I used the krylon I also had to do it very slowly, watching for drips and waiting in between coats for adequate drying. With Modern metals it is fast, clean and has such a great lustre. I used the Champagne silver and it looks just like brushed nickel. No one can believe my lamps were ever brass or wood! And, now I'll be doing the door knobs! Thanks so much! Julie

  39. I Just did this for 10 or our doors! It only took me 2.5 hours and $15 bucks and I keep admiring my work! Thanks so much for posting! I found you on pinterest!

  40. I did this to older brass light fixtures and they look great!

  41. Wow, this is an OLD POST!!! I just found it via Pinterest. I just wanted to tell ya...I was like you and wanted to update my doors. So I went to Lowes and bought all new door knobs for my home , upstairs and downstairs. I spent $325 on new door knobs. Then realized I needed to change out the hinges. Instead of buying all new hinges I went out and bought the same color rubbed bronze paint so I could just paint all of my brass hinges. They look amazing - I thought I came up with something SO SMART!! Well, then I come across your blog!!! You did way better - you saved way more money by spraying the door knobs too!! I had thought of doing that but was fearful they wouldn't stay pretty. Good for you!!! I saved $138 by spraying my hinges. They cost $2.30 each and I needed 3 per door - I have a total of 20 doors in my home! I love to find ways to save and still get that "high end" look! ~wink~

    1. Did you remove them or painted them while still on the door?

  42. It goes without saying that you have to be careful when choosing door hardware. Keep in mind that certain doors in your house will be your entryway to safety in case an emergency happens.

  43. Great explanation. Thanks for the descriptive pictures.

  44. As we all know door handles are used to open and close doors, that’s pretty much a given, but what most of us don’t realise is how much they play a part in the styling of our home. Your door handles are there to decorate your rooms and doors in a subtle and delicate manner.

  45. I am concerned about the gritty feel also. We did all our kitchen cabinet hardware and it too had a gritty feel with the Rustoleum oil rubbed bronze. I took a kitchen scrubby (not SOS) just one of those sponges with the rough side and went over all the handles and they are much smoother now. We want to do our door knobs but I am concerned that they may also feel "gritty". I will try a couple of door knobs. On a side note, we did do a couple of brass lamps with this product snd they don't feel gritty at all.

  46. Choose something in black or antique pewter and you will have a decidedly Mission style makeover. The options can range from a simple design to very ornate, including reproductions of Victorian and shaker to the more unique miniature spoons and forks, animals or insects for that added touch of whimsy.

  47. I want to do this to my house sooooo bad. We, too, have way too many doors in the house to even think about buying all new door knobs!! Why door knobs are so stinking expensive is a mystery to me!! These spray painted door knobs looks great and I will continute to try to convince my husband that I need to do this. I have a quick question for you though - did you do all of the door hinges too?

    1. Hi, I agree the prices of door knobs is insane! When we priced it out I concluded I would have to wait for shiny brass to come back in style :) but I love how the painted handles look and not a single one has chipped! Even the ones that are used constantly. No, I did not have to do the hinges because our lovely builder painted them all white when they painted the doors. I would say if that is something you have to do, you might want to look into the brush on rustoleum. I think it would be easier to tape those then take off the door.

      Good luck convincing your hubby. I did a sample knob first so mine could see how well it turned out...then he agreed.
      Let me know how it turns out if you do it.

  48. I've been wanting to try this. How are they holding up? Our entire house is gold knobs (with the exception of one little silver one). Hot mess for sure! Let me know how this holds up.


    1. Hi Lura,
      I did this almost 3 years ago and I have not had a single door handle chip or scratch! They look just as nice as the day I did them. I will admit my door stops have had a few chips from the vacuum but I just turned them a little and you don't notice it.

      I highly recommend practicing first on an old handle to see how your like it and to make you feel more confident in doing it.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Can this be used* on brushed or satin nickel handles and knobs too? We just built our home and some things could not be picked and we want to change all of our handles to bronze. Let me know. Thanks!! It looks beautiful.

  51. Thanks for the excellent tutorial. We just moved in a small rental apartment that has two bronze knobs and the rest in that hideous brass! I wanted to paint the rest to match and your tutorial will ensure I have quality results. Can't wait to buy the paint and get to spraying!

  52. Thanks for the directions!! You inspired me to do this! I just finished one door. Did you paint the piston part(in between the two knobs) that contacts the plate when the door closes? I can't tell from the picture. This part rubbed off right away on mine. Otherwise the knobs and hinges turned out great. I used an antique copper color which looks like a light bronze. I absolutely love it! My doors are bright white so the ORB was a bit too dark. I also painted two vent covers which turned out amazing.

  53. You did a great job spray painting your door knobs! I just did mine and I was a bit too hasty with my spraying lol Once it dried it looks even but as I was spraying I did see bubbles here and there. I just got so antsy and I wanted to see it painted already!

    It's amazing that your ORB paint has lasted quite long! I used sandpaper AND deglosser but seeing your results, I think that I will follow suit and just sand it (less work too haha).

    Thanks for sharing!


  54. I spray painted my ugly exterior brass fixtures 7 years ago - they still look fantastic (and they are subject to the extreme heat of Arizona); spray painted my shiny brass dining room fixture and all my shiny brass kitchen cabinet handles ... all of it is holding up beautifully. I used Rust-O-Leum primer, and then same brand Oil Rubbed Bronze metallic paint. This has saved me hundreds of dollars in replacement costs (maybe even a thousand $ or more). Glad to see someone else has benefitted from this wonderful paint idea!

  55. There are really only a few choices. Gold (if you wish), chrome, brushed nickel, or oil-rubbed bronze. I prefer the brushed nickel or oil-rubbed bronze. The brushed nickel hides wear and tear very well. And the oil-rubbed bronze just looks amazing.

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